Precipitation - CHIRPS
Unit = mm
P (average)
P (change)
P (anomalies)
Represented range
P (average): 0mm/ 3200mm
P (change): -3.68mm/ 7.32mm
P (anomalies): -121.25mm/ 186.75mm
Average annual Precipitation for the whole period (1981-2019). 5-day temporal resolution is used to generate total annual precipitations analysis.
Explanation missing
Annual Precipitation anomaly which is the average annual Precipitation for the whole period (1981-2019) comparing it to the average annual Precipitation of the year 2014-2019. The anomalies map shows the percentage deviation (per pixel) between 2014-2019 and the annual average for the whole region 1981-2019
Climate Hazards Center (CHC)
Source data
Climate Hazards Center InfraRed Precipitation with Station data (CHIRPS)
The Climate Hazards group Infrared Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS) dataset builds on previous approaches to ‘smart’ interpolation techniques and high resolution, long period of record precipitation estimates based on infrared Cold Cloud Duration (CCD) observations.
Spatial resolution
CHIRPS incorporates 0.05 deg resolution satellite imagery with in-situ station data.
Pixel size: 5x5 km (0.05 deg)
Temporal resolution
30+ year quasi-global rainfall data set, starting in 1981 to near-present.
5-day temporal resolution is used to generate total annual precipitations analysis.