Population - WorldPop
Population - WorldPop
Represented range
People per square km:
2 – 200
Recent census-based population counts matched to their associated administrative units are disaggregated to ≈100x100m grid cells through machine learning approaches that exploit the relationships between population densities and a range of geospatial covariate layers. The datasets depict estimated number of people residing in each grid cell in 2010, 2015, and other years.
University of Southampton
Source data
University of Southampton
WorldPop Project Population Data: Estimated Residential Population per 100x100m Grid Square
High-resolution, contemporary data on human population distributions are a prerequisite for the accurate measurement of the impacts of population growth, for monitoring changes, and for planning interventions. The WorldPop project aims to meet these needs through the provision of detailed and open access population distribution datasets built using transparent and peer-reviewed approaches. WorldPop represents a collaboration between researchers at the University of Southampton, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, and University of Louisville. The project is principally funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Spatial resolution
Global coverage
100x100m grid cells
Temporal resolution
Reference epochs: 2010, 2015, 2020